Twilight application
Twilight calculates twilight from sun and moon.
This is useful when planning a voyage and specially when out
in the wild, be it climbing, hiking or sailing, where twilight
is an important feature, or when planning a voyage. If you
are looking at the stars or hunting northern lights, best
periods will be when there is complete darkness.
Twilight also calculates best orientation and solar
energy for you solar charger ;-)
Twilight is licenced free of charge. So you are
free to use and share it with others provided that copies
are not made or distributed for commercial advantage.

Installation :
Twilight is written in Java so and should work on
any computer. Just extract the zip file to a suitable location
and double-clic the twilight*.jar file to make it start. If
nothing happens, you may have to type 'java -jar twilight*.jar'
from a console. If it still does not start, check that you
have the Java Virtual Machine installed. It can be obtained
at no cost from the Java (Oracle) website.
(87 kB) version beta 0.4
Feel free to feed back. Suggestions are welcome. Contact...
I wrote Twilight while waiting for the first sun after a
long and cold winter on board of a sailboat in the Thule region,
in northern Greenland. Enjoy :-)
Peter Gallinelli, March 2016